Adding an assessment
There are two ways to add an assessment. You can either add an assessment from the edit referral page, or from the assessments page under tracking. If an assessment is added from the edit referral page, the assessment details page is displayed immediately. If an assessment is added from the assessments page, the patron and particular referral must be selected first.
A summary of the patron's details are displayed at the top of the page that include the patron's ID, name, date of birth, exceptionalities, and the associated referral number. The add assessments page contains the following sections:
Assessment Details
The assessment details section contains the following fields:
- Service Provider
- A drop-down list containing a list of service providers set up in the configuration section.
- Assessment Date
- The date for the assessment.
- Observation date
- The date for the observation.
AT Permission Details
The AT permission details section contains the following fields:
- Permission Received
- A checkbox to indicate whether permission has been received to use AT.
- Training needed
- A checkbox to indicate whether training is required before the patron can use the AT.
Training Details
The training details section contains the following fields:
- Permission Date
- The date permission from granted for training.
- Report date
- Date the report is received.
- Persons to be trained
- The people that will receive the training on the AT.